尚未命名 2017年春 油画棒 纸 水彩 245X120cm
Unnamed yet Spring 2017 crayon paper water color
Some fragments of thoughts dragged out when I am painting
Translated by Zhao Ji-dong
What is the definition of painting? I would say that when a painter is doing painting, he is talking with the papers or canvas, sometimes he is trying to start a discussion and sometimes he is chatting. For a business conference, a certain subject has to be centered on and in the end the common view is reached by signing an agreement. Let‘s forget about the boring business conference and just think about the time when we are having a cup of tea with friends in a warm sunny afternoon. At this moment our topics are so free and the unchained wings of our thoughts will bring us to the boundless space! How relaxing it is! Then we can just wrap it up at the right time. If the dialogue between the painter and the papers or canvas is based on some particular objects or images, it will result in representational paintings. However, the abstract painting does not depict reality and seek for an implication purposely. When a painter is painting the abstract works, he is just chatting freely at his own will with the papers or canvas with no particular subjects, so free and relaxing, he may stop at any time.
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